I set my bridge up using the guide at https://www.sky-ip.org/tutorials.html and 
I have a steady flow of connections definitely visible via tor-arm. 

On June 1, 2015 11:02:53 AM CDT, Tom Ritter <t...@ritter.vg> wrote:
>Hrm.  So this gets into the inner workings of the bwauth system which
>is... complicated.[0] Honestly, I'm not actually sure how the
>individual data from the different bwauths is combined into a single
>value for the consensus.
>I'm not sure what the answer is for your problem, but I'm beginning to
>wonder if the general approach to this problem is "There should be a
>bwauth debugging mechanism similar to
>https://consensus-health.torproject.org/ or (the unimplemented)
>proposal 164."   I don't know if said mechanism would be a component
>of atlas/globe or an entirely separate site, but if the bwauths
>exported their hourly files, and this hypothetical tool aggregated
>that data, it may help figure these things out.  It might give an
>answer like "moria spazzed out and undervoted me, let me wait until it
>scans me again."
>On 31 May 2015 at 17:31, Jannis Wiese <m...@janniswiese.com> wrote:
>> Hi operators,
>> I believe especially the DirAuth/bwauth operators are working on
>this, but I would like to understand the ongoing issues.
>> On my relay (8827944C4BDCBDAC9079803F47823403C11A9B7A), I see a
>decline in consensus weight fraction basically since May 14 (that's
>where the first drop in weight fraction occurred) and the same in
>traffic of course. The connections went down by more than 50% from
>1500-1600 to now about 700 (total values). I did notice the strange
>peak in traffic yesterday, but it's now back to low levels. My relay is
>of course working nowhere near capacity (I have set up a
>RelayBandwithRate of 2MB and a Burst of 5MB) and I hope you understand
>that's a bit frustrating for me.
>> At the moment I just see urras missing from the consensus and the
>measured entries of longclaw are quite a bit off the chart (I've
>subscribed to the consensus-health mailing list) - is that all what you
>need to have the tor traffic not distributed consistently (at least
>from my point of view) any more?
>> Most importantly: Can I do something to help?
>> Cheers,
>> Jannis
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