On Thu, Dec 22, 2016 at 2:07 PM, Rana <ranaventu...@gmail.com> wrote:
> If there is such a wiki I will be happy to submit my reports, I am not aware 
> of one.

Please see and contribute to the following...

> Also, based on this thread the people who may take action and decisions seem 
> to be convinced that home relays are of no or very little use to Tor. For 
> this reason, whether they are right or not, I am not sure we should bother 
> beyond the unstructured discussion in this thread.

If the source code and network technically permits any given
node, it is valid for discussion.

I've often suggested that all node selection and testing / ranking /
node trust pki metrics / geoip / etc all be left as subscription style
services and/or configurable parametrics for clients to choose from
or configure themselves. With some default "Tor Project" set
shipped as fine for most users, in which Tor Project acts as
one such supplier of such params.

That leave only malacting nodes and 'net useful' nodes up
to dirauths themselves. With 'useful' being no excuse to
not make efforts to scale networks to the next level.

ie: Networks like Phantom just distribute a DHT list of nodes,
so conceivably if and how you use them is up to you.
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