
I've done some further analysis on this. The reason my relay is being marked as 
overloaded is because of DNS timeout errors. I had to dive into the source code 
to figure this out.

In dns.c, a libevent DNS_ERR_TIMEOUT is being recorded as an OVERLOAD_GENERAL 
error. Am I correct in saying that a single DNS timeout error within a 72-hour 
period will result in an overloaded state? If so, it seems overly-stringent 
given that there are no options available to tune the DNS timeout, max retry 
etc. parameters. Some lower-specced servers with less than optimal access to 
DNS resolvers will suffer because of this.

Also, I was wondering why these timeouts were not being recorded in the Metrics 
output. I've done some digging and I believe there is a bug in the 
evdns_callback() function. The rep_hist_note_dns_error() is being called as 

rep_hist_note_dns_error(type, result);

but I've noticed the 'type' being set to zero whenever libevent returns a DNS 
error which means the correct dns_stats_t structure is never found, as zero is 
outside the expected range of values (DNS_IPv4_A, DNS_PTR, DNS_IPv6_AAAA). 
Adding the BUG assertion confirms this.

Please let me know if I should raise this in the bug tracker or if you need 
anything else.


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