On Wed, 12 Oct 2011 17:18:14 +0000
unknown <unkn...@pgpru.com> wrote:

> On Mon, 3 Oct 2011 21:39:46 +0400
> unknown <unkn...@pgpru.com> wrote:
> > We talk about it day ago on some web-resource. Possible with you personally 
> > :-)
> > 
> > Linux provided system Tor-daemon seems more secure then tor started from 
> > user.
> > 
> > I propose next steps but concern about any "Gotcha!" here:
> > 
> > 1) Download, check gnupg signatures and unpack tor-browser. 
> > 
> > Keep system Tor-daemon from deb-package 
> > http://deb.torproject.org/torproject.org with carefully settings including 
> > your transparent firewalling.
> > 
> > 2) Activate plug-ins (HTTPS-Everywhere, NoScipt, TorButton) with copying:
> > 
> > cp -r ../tor-browser_en-US/Data/profile/extensions/* 
> > ../tor-browser_en-US/App/Firefox/extensions
> > 
> > (or use symlinks).
> > 
> > 3) Don't run Bundle start script, ignore vidalia and tor from bundle.
> > 
> > Run '../tor-browser_en-US/App/Firefox/firefox' directly. Check that plugins 
> > is working and you use system tor correctly without leaking information 
> > (Use Torstatus check sites, local sniffers).
> > 
> > 4) Don't use vidalia. Use 'sudo killall -SIGHUP tor' instead of vidalia 
> > newnym control-port command. And restart your tor-browser after that newnym.
> > 
> > Any comments? 
> > 
> Everything works OK before
> tor-browser-gnu-linux-x86_64-2.2.33-3-dev-en-US.tar.gz
> in Debian stable
> Now I can't use Tor-browser directly that way described above:
> >WARNING: Application calling GLX 1.3 function "glXCreatePixmap" when GLX 1.3 
> >is 
> >+not supported!  This is an application bug!                                 
> >   
> >failed to create drawable
> start-tor-browser script from TBB itself works correct 
> but using tor tunneling from system tor-daemon with Linux 
> transparent firewalling torifycation double increased tor overhead.
> Using Tor with users permissions instead of debian-tor daemon
>  is not a best way for secure integration with a system too.
> Is it version developed especially for enforcing use TBB as is?

I comment running Vidalia from startscript 
and insert command to run tor-firefox directly.

Now firefox started and working wihout crash but I see
this error message again. And I lost all my bookmarks with this.

Hope that Debian packages with separated tor-daemon itself, Tor-browser and
Tor-browser-plugins will be created sometime.

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