On Thu, 2011-10-13 at 17:05 +0200, Andreas Bader wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> On 13.10.2011 14:02, Karsten N. wrote:
> > Am 13.10.2011 08:39, schrieb William Wrightman:
> >> Is moving to Linux one solution?
> > 
> > I agree with Adrew, there is no 100% solution.
> > 
> > But you can do as much as possible to increase your security.
> > 
> > Moving to Linux (or OpenBSD ;-) ) is one step.
> > 
> > Full disk encryption is possible. For Debian or Ubuntu you can enable
> > full disk encryption at installation time. It does not need any
> > additional software. (I am not sure about other distributions.)
> > 
> > For WIN you may use Truecrypt or Diskcryptor or other software for full
> > disk encryption. Since version 6.1 Truecrypt can use hardware tokens
> > together with pass-phrases.
> > 
> > Live-CDs are a possible solution too.
> > 
> > You may apply many steps and it will be better than doing nothing
> > because you can not get 100% security.
> > 
> > Best regards
> > Karsten N.
> > _______________________________________________
> > tor-talk mailing list
> > tor-talk@lists.torproject.org
> > https://lists.torproject.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/tor-talk
> > 
> > 
> Hello,
> I read lots of articles and analysis about the ?Bundestrojaner? (that´s
> how the german keylogger is called here). It seems like you don´t have
> to worry. It is more a virus construction kit than a virus. In
> accordance with the Chaos Computer Club they´ll need about 10 experts
> working 5 months just to develop and adapt one keylogger. It makes also
> sense to install one Linux Distribution. I use Ubuntu 11.04 on my second
> notebook, fully encrypted (can be choosen while the installation, just
> choose the ?alternate disc? to download). It is much more faster, more
> secure and just better then Win7.
> If you have to use Windows 7, try the Truecrypt Preeboot encryption. It
> is open source software and pretty authentic. With Truecrypt, you can
> also encrypt external drives. The most important part of the whole
> encryption thing is the password, choose it as long as possible. The
> only possibility to crack such an encryption is bruteforce, and using a
> long password will destroy this chance.
> So far.
> Version: GnuPG v1.4.11 (GNU/Linux)
> Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla - http://enigmail.mozdev.org/
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> 2HieResVuP35H87nmo+jIi/abLSm94YPbvRiwDM5Empvh1CfbzvgGwKvMbL3LdU=
> =Q2Gt

Though always a good idea, encryption doesn't protect against trojans.
It may have limited effectiveness against incompetent attackers
physically tampering with your system.

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