> >>>> Full disk encryption is possible. For
> Debian or Ubuntu you can enable

I don't really understand the apparent benefit of full disk encryption as 
opposed to using TrueCrypt partitions. 

AIUI if you are using FDE then the password is stored in the RAM while the 
computer is on.

If the computer is seized then the password can be obtained from the RAM.  I 
base this on Kevin Poulsen's book about Max Vision ("Kingpin") where Vision's 
FDE password was obtained from the RAM. because he was using the computer when 
his house was raided.

I would think that using partitions is better.  You use the computer "normally" 
but if you want to access anything personal then you open the partition.  

When you have finished then you close the partition.  Now the password is 
cleared from the RAM.

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