On Dec 27, 2011, at 7:03 AM, John Case wrote:

> On Thu, 22 Dec 2011, Lee wrote:
>>> While I totally get both sides of this argument *in theory*, all of this
>>> sounds a lot to me like getting pissed off about someone ringing your
>>> doorbell because they didn't mail you an opt-in form first.
>> Nope.  The probes were annoying, but the killer was my all-in-one
>> consumer grade router/nat/dhcp server/firewall leaking packets into
>> what was supposed to be the secure part of my home network.
> Ahhh, finally.
> This is the Godwins law of tor-talk - all threads eventually lead to some 
> moron running a relay from their home Internet connection.
> To be fair, if we let the thread run long enough, I'll bet Mr. 
> Do-Gooder-Port-Scanner is running from home, too.  Comedy from all directions.

I feel that your insults are entirely uncalled for here. Running a relay
from a home connection is perfectly fine if there's enough spare
bandwidth. There is absolutely nothing wrong with doing just that, and I
am thankful to every operator who sets up a good node.

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