On Tue, 27 Dec 2011, Andrew Lewman wrote:

John Case <c...@sdf.org> wrote:
This is the Godwins law of tor-talk - all threads eventually lead to
some moron running a relay from their home Internet connection.

Apparently I'm a moron that runs a relay from home. If it doesn't
violate the ISP contract Terms of Service, then why not? You're paying
for the bandwidth, might as well use it for something good.

It's *possible* that rich, white citizens of global north countries will not be called to account for these actions in the future.

Not everyone will be so lucky. So, while we autistically fixate on minute details of traffic analysis theory for Tor users, we should once in a while focus on rubber hoses.

Don't run Tor from an IP with your name attached to it. This has nothing to do with technical feasibility, charitable intentions or terms of service.

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