On 01/25/2012 01:33 PM, Nathan Freitas wrote:
> Anyone have an opinion of JonDonym?

JonDonym is a strong anonymsation service like Tor. It is the sucessor
of the project AN.ON of the German universities TU Dresden and TU

It uses fixed routes with mix cascades of 2 mix servers (free cascades)
or 3 mix servers (premium cascades). For encryption of traffic an onion
encryption with AES is used.

The concept you can see at:


Server operators of JonDonym are certified. You may find a list on the

JonDonym does not get money by governments and does not collect
donations. The service earns money with the premium services, which
offers more speed, more features (SOCKS support...) and higher
anonymity because of 3 mix servers per cascade.

Law enforcement is possible, if all mix operators of a mix cascade
worked together. If all mix operators get an official order, it is
possible to deanonymize single user. For more information see:


For scientific paper about JonDonym anonymisation technique you may have
a look at:


ANONdroid is working well, like Orbot. But because of the "Google Kill
Switch" I would recommend the using of Lil'Debi (Debian chroot for
Android, you know) togehter with the JonDoDaemon package:


(For Tor I would recommend the same way.)

Thats all I can write at the moment.

Best regards
Karsten N.
tor-talk mailing list

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