On 8/1/2012 1:56 PM, adrelanos wrote:
If you connect to Tor first, then visit hidemyass or similar and then register, if you do that only once, I see no problem with that as long you only use it for registration and not entering identifying data. Note that hidemyass or similar will know the whole content of the transmission because it's a web based proxy. Therefore change your secret answer, alternate e-mail and passwords after setting up the account. The question remains if after account creation you will have less trouble over Tor or if hidemyass or similar isn't blocked for registration as well.
Gotten several suggestions - thanks for all. Point: Being ABLE to sign up w/ an email provider via Tor * & * that provider being trustworthy (not selling your address, scanning contents to sell for advertising [if don't encrypt messages] are 2 entirely different things. Like doctor, mechanic recommendations, I always prefer them from actual clients / users (preferably > 1) that have used them > 1x & been satisfied.

Jed: ** "What am I looking for?" ** Mostly anonymity & untraceability - for all * practical * purposes. Not to evade LEAs. But... if need to send whistle blower type email - or - some (polite) ones to neighbor w/ car up on blocks, I want NO way they can trace it, short of LEA becoming involved. Though sending truthful whistle blower messages isn't unlawful, people w/ power have powerful connections. Both examples are real scenarios for me.

If those requirements help anyone w/ suggestions of providers they've personally used - or read enough unbiased, technical reviews to be reasonably sure a provider has a very good reputation, that's better than, "I've heard of these - give them a look."

GMX may not be even close to a good choice for these purposes. However, was NEVER able to get past them claiming JS was off, using Tor, Tor & a proxy, just a proxy - even though proxies had option to allow JS - & even if whitelisted their site in NoScript. However, some of other suggested providers may be better choices, assuming they're not spammers in sheep's clothing.

Thanks Praedor, adrelnos, antispam06 - for other email provider names. Will check out. Heard of safe-mail a long time - don't know anyone personally that's used it. Tor mail - I remember some discussion here about ? some issue about their policy? question of servers location? who runs it? Can't remember.
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