Please show your support and petition the Tails team to add a real IRC client, 
other than the multipurpose Pidgin client.

The discussion so far:

or if the thread vanishes, create a new one:

Here is the story so far:


IRC Client: Please include something other than Pidgin

Pidgin may work well for IMs and OTR, but it is disgusting as an IRC client.

Please add a real client for IRC, thanks.


What do you mean by real client? Why disgusting? What functions does pidgin not 
include that are necessary? While Tails should strive to become 
intention-complete it would not do for it to become bloatware.

Comment by Anonymous — Fri 10 Aug 2012 01:14:20 PM CEST

"What do you mean by real client?"

A client designed for IRC and not for multipurpose activities. It wouldn't 
require too much extra space to include irssi or weechat.

Some of the other, more newb friendly options require KDE libs, so I guess 
those wouldn't be an option.

"What functions does pidgin not include that are necessary?"

In addition to (pidgin) having a number of curious security related fixes in 
the past, it doesn't appear to be designed for a comfortable look and feel for 
the purposes of IRC, IMO it's a multi-purpose mess.

"While Tails should strive to become intention-complete it would not do for it 
to become bloatware."

Exactly why I suggested irssi or weechat.

If you can include OpenOffice, video and audio editing tools on a privacy and 
security LiveCD, there should be room for a properly designed IRC client.

If it's bloat you're concerned with, you'd strip a number of programs which 
have no reason being in such a distro and allow the .iso to fit on a blank CD-R 
700MB instead of users wasting a good blank DVD-R.

Regarding 'bloat', most of the programs including codecs, extra language 
formats, OpenOffice/video & audio editing, and many other utilities I'll never 
use I strip out by marking them in Synaptic once with each new version (of 
Tails), saving these markings to a single file which I reload and auto remove 
unwanted packages with each fresh boot, removing most of what is presented 
which IMO doesn't and shouldn't belong on a LiveCD like this. Bloat? Were this 
such a terrible issue, the .iso would be much, much smaller.

I've heard excuses here before about bloatware and lack of manpower, but the 
less packages (especially large ones like OpenOffice) you have on a system, the 
less work the maintainers of a distro have to perform, and the less security 
issues for each extra package.

While I appreciate the effort of Tails developers, I'm close to creating and 
posting my own Tails based distro, using openbox without the non-essential 
utilities. The users can add extra programs when they want, right? So the 
'bloat' is already here. I won't start on the many kernel modules (like 
hamradio, can, batman, and others) this distro does not need. How many of your 
users have reported using Tails (tor) over ham radio? What of the can 
module(s), are you serious?

Because of the 'trust no one' philosophy, I would be the only maintainer of 
this modified openbox Tails distro. As much as people bitch about OpenBSD's 
main man, there's something to be said for his devotion to security which is 
lacking in a lot of Linux distributions, but that's another tired battle.

One of the tiny oversights include this in my polipo logs following my 
time/location configuration:

Connect to failed: General SOCKS server failure
Connect to failed: SOCKS error: TTL expired
Connect to failed: Connection refused
Connect to failed: Connection refused

It may not be connecting, or maybe it is, but it shouldn't exist, especially 
not for checking a .gov domain! What's next, a .mil domain?

There should be no option to use a browser or anything else outside of tor 
mode, users could add this option themselves or boot from some other LiveCD.

Whisperback is an insult and one I quickly discovered and marked for removal. 
(and manually removing the remaining config file and key) A preloaded browser 
page including a link to the forum is all that is required.

Cups and all its friends shouldn't exist. There have been a number of vulns 
with cups and why it's included baffles me. The avahi 'bonjour' is also another 
non-essential I strip.

Tails doesn't need a sound recorder and if compromised this could prove fatal 
to security/privacy.

I would remove usb installation options and anything persistent. For a distro 
with security/privacy aims, it should be boot to a Live RO medium and never 
retain settings of any sort! What if a user were to snag a rootkit or any other 
type of malware? The limited reach of chkrootkit and rkhunter and tools like it 
do not detect the many threats being added to malware cache sites globally. The 
Evil Maid Attack, which you can Google, is another threat.

Comment by Anonymous — Sat 11 Aug 2012 05:49:46 AM CEST
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