Tor user and list lurker here. Pidgin for Linux does not[1] have
out-of-the-box support for IRC SASL authentication, which is important
to have (for example, [2]). (There are two Pidgin patches[3, 4] for SASL
authentication support, but they are beyond my skill level to implement,
which means they are out of reach for many, many people.) Thus I agree:
Tails should have a proper IRC client!



On 08/11/2012 04:43 AM, wrote:
> Please show your support and petition the Tails team to add a real IRC 
> client, other than the multipurpose Pidgin client.
> The discussion so far:
> or if the thread vanishes, create a new one:
> Here is the story so far:
> ======================================
> IRC Client: Please include something other than Pidgin
> Pidgin may work well for IMs and OTR, but it is disgusting as an IRC client.
> Please add a real client for IRC, thanks.
> ======================================
> What do you mean by real client? Why disgusting? What functions does pidgin 
> not include that are necessary? While Tails should strive to become 
> intention-complete it would not do for it to become bloatware.
> Comment by Anonymous — Fri 10 Aug 2012 01:14:20 PM CEST
> ======================================
> "What do you mean by real client?"
> A client designed for IRC and not for multipurpose activities. It wouldn't 
> require too much extra space to include irssi or weechat.
> Some of the other, more newb friendly options require KDE libs, so I guess 
> those wouldn't be an option.
> "What functions does pidgin not include that are necessary?"
> In addition to (pidgin) having a number of curious security related fixes in 
> the past, it doesn't appear to be designed for a comfortable look and feel 
> for the purposes of IRC, IMO it's a multi-purpose mess.
> "While Tails should strive to become intention-complete it would not do for 
> it to become bloatware."
> Exactly why I suggested irssi or weechat.
> If you can include OpenOffice, video and audio editing tools on a privacy and 
> security LiveCD, there should be room for a properly designed IRC client.
> If it's bloat you're concerned with, you'd strip a number of programs which 
> have no reason being in such a distro and allow the .iso to fit on a blank 
> CD-R 700MB instead of users wasting a good blank DVD-R.
> Regarding 'bloat', most of the programs including codecs, extra language 
> formats, OpenOffice/video & audio editing, and many other utilities I'll 
> never use I strip out by marking them in Synaptic once with each new version 
> (of Tails), saving these markings to a single file which I reload and auto 
> remove unwanted packages with each fresh boot, removing most of what is 
> presented which IMO doesn't and shouldn't belong on a LiveCD like this. 
> Bloat? Were this such a terrible issue, the .iso would be much, much smaller.
> I've heard excuses here before about bloatware and lack of manpower, but the 
> less packages (especially large ones like OpenOffice) you have on a system, 
> the less work the maintainers of a distro have to perform, and the less 
> security issues for each extra package.
> While I appreciate the effort of Tails developers, I'm close to creating and 
> posting my own Tails based distro, using openbox without the non-essential 
> utilities. The users can add extra programs when they want, right? So the 
> 'bloat' is already here. I won't start on the many kernel modules (like 
> hamradio, can, batman, and others) this distro does not need. How many of 
> your users have reported using Tails (tor) over ham radio? What of the can 
> module(s), are you serious?
> Because of the 'trust no one' philosophy, I would be the only maintainer of 
> this modified openbox Tails distro. As much as people bitch about OpenBSD's 
> main man, there's something to be said for his devotion to security which is 
> lacking in a lot of Linux distributions, but that's another tired battle.
> One of the tiny oversights include this in my polipo logs following my 
> time/location configuration:
> Connect to failed: General SOCKS server failure
> Connect to failed: SOCKS error: TTL expired
> Connect to failed: Connection refused
> Connect to failed: Connection refused
> It may not be connecting, or maybe it is, but it shouldn't exist, especially 
> not for checking a .gov domain! What's next, a .mil domain?
> There should be no option to use a browser or anything else outside of tor 
> mode, users could add this option themselves or boot from some other LiveCD.
> Whisperback is an insult and one I quickly discovered and marked for removal. 
> (and manually removing the remaining config file and key) A preloaded browser 
> page including a link to the forum is all that is required.
> Cups and all its friends shouldn't exist. There have been a number of vulns 
> with cups and why it's included baffles me. The avahi 'bonjour' is also 
> another non-essential I strip.
> Tails doesn't need a sound recorder and if compromised this could prove fatal 
> to security/privacy.
> I would remove usb installation options and anything persistent. For a distro 
> with security/privacy aims, it should be boot to a Live RO medium and never 
> retain settings of any sort! What if a user were to snag a rootkit or any 
> other type of malware? The limited reach of chkrootkit and rkhunter and tools 
> like it do not detect the many threats being added to malware cache sites 
> globally. The Evil Maid Attack, which you can Google, is another threat.
> Comment by Anonymous — Sat 11 Aug 2012 05:49:46 AM CEST
> ======================================
> eof
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