On 10/9/2013 6:52 PM, Crypto wrote:
Excellent! I [love] it!

Joe Btfsplk <joebtfs...@gmx.com> wrote:
On 10/9/2013 5:32 PM, Juan Garofalo wrote:

     Why hasn't Snowden published all the stuff he got from the NSA
nazis? Why hasn't he uploaded it to wikileaks for instance? Or
torrented it?

Top 10 Reasons Snowden hasn't published his documents:

10. Wiki what?

9. Unaware of statute of limitations on publishing stolen government

8. Can't find a ghost writer.

7. Been too busy traveling.

6. Worried it might hurt his chances for public office.

5. Waiting for The Presidential Medal of Freedom, for exposing
of the Constitution.

4.  Has grown fond of eating & breathing.

3. Hoping for Ambassadorship of Syria.

2. Holding them as "Get Out of Jail" card.

1.  Waiting for ABC to offer movie of the week deal.
Thank youuu! I'll be at the Holiday Inn lounge all week, on the interstate outside of Cleveland.
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