On Wed, Oct 09, 2013 at 07:32:35PM -0300, Juan Garofalo wrote:

>       Why hasn't Snowden published all the stuff he got from the NSA
> nazis? Why hasn't he uploaded it to wikileaks for instance? Or
> torrented it?

He seems to believe in responsive disclosure (Cablegate set a few
ops in the field scrambling overnight), but he also purportedly
posted large torrents of insurance, with presumably a dead man 
switch to release the key to access it.

I'm personally increasingly dissatisfied with some of redacting, done
by increasing pressure upon the persons processing the information
for release. On the other hand, the staged release is exactly right
to keep the attention-deficient world engaged.

I hope somebody is busily minting a Golden Leaker medal for Snowden,
and the others that will come after him (and against greater odds).
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