On 10/12/2013 3:52 PM, Edgar S wrote:
I was also left hanging when tormail shut down. I've found one that
meets my needs. Based in Switzerland. It is Tor-friendly for both
signups and webmail.  Has both an onion hidden address,
http://bitmailendavkbec.onion, and an open address, bitmessage.ch. Free.
The only drawback is that you have to accept an assigned username that
is a long string of random characters.

Another possibility is URSSMail  http://urssmail.org/
http://f3ljvgyyujmnfhvi.onion.  Based in Russia and Brazil. Neither are
very friendly to the NSA. It seems to have some problems currently. I
thought I had created an account, but then I couldn't log into it. But
it lets you assign your own username, and is free, although BTC
donations are requested. As I write, the hidden service is down.
I guess you went thru part of the signup process to see it assigns a random string as your acct username / email address? It told me the registration was "having problems." How long was the random assigned name?

That'd be a bit tough sending mail to general people. But, if you want privacy... I wonder if there's an option to enter a name that goes in front of the email user name, like most clients or even ISPs allow?

I guess it'd be fine for typical mail, but the entire size per message limit is 2 MB.
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