Le 29/07/2014 19:19, OpenPGP a écrit :
But I like the idea of fake domain(s) :)
Wouldn't it be possible to implement by any way with TBB (as a part how-to in
TBB web/blog ? ;)

In theory yes but you will then have a kind-of TBB fingerprint. It was designed to have the Tor protocol inside browsers so they do the Onion Proxy by themselves without the need of a local server, the browser intercepts itself with the complicity of a server only passing information related to the fake domain using SSL/TLS, the rationale for this "self-interception" is that you can not tell to the browser "please send everything you want to fetch through the Tor circuits I have set up with the Tor network on websocket x", so the messages are going through the normal socks proxy interface with the fake domain and coming back through websockets (via socks proxy too) and then are redirected through the websockets Tor circuits established with the ORs with the real domain which is then protected by the Tor protocol.

For fingerprinting, in one word, you will have the one of a normal browser, so likely to be unique but subject to change and be unique again, but not a fingerprint that could be linked to the Tor Browser.

Btw, am I right to suppose that for not to be fingerprintined when I am
sometimes on some sites asked to allow the canvas, simply not allow to ?


On 07/29/2014 10:09 AM, OpenPGP wrote:
Hi all,

has anybody tried the solution mentioned in http://www.ianonym.com ?
I'm just reading all the stuff and information but feel a bit lost :p how
to set it al and use it ;)
My word, that is complicated!

But even so, if only a few use it with Tor, they probably stand out.
More generally, the greater the diversity of anonymization options, the
less anonymity there is :(

Aymeric Vittesal:
Or unless you use something like http://www.ianonym.com, it was designed
to defeat all forms of tracking/fingerprinting with the fake domain
concept and hide your destination even with https.

Since it takes control over the whole web page, the js interactions are
sandboxed with a script to "tame" the page, a prototype was working but
maybe it's a bit too complicate...



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