
I'm looking into ideas for creating “load balanced” or “high availability” 
hidden services. Mostly pertaining to web servers serving large-ish static 
files. (Let's say 5-100MB each.)

Load balanced as in not all requests end up at the same box to speed up 
High availability as in the service is still available if one box goes down or 
is taken offline for maintenance.

So, not exactly your usual distributed-cluster setup.

From what I understand it would not make sense to run the same HS Key on 
multiple boxes since the descriptors would overwrite each other every few 

I don't think one can do something like Round-Robin DNS with HS.

So the only way I can imagine this to work is a central redirection node that 
know about all the nodes and more or less intelligently/randomly 302 redirects 
each file request to a known-to-it server.

This still leaves a single-point-of-failure in form of the redirection server 
but would at least distribute the traffic load across multiple servers and cope 
for nodes coming and going.

Has anyone done something like this?

Thanks a bunch!

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