On 2016-06-05 20:38, ng0 wrote:
On 2016-06-05(03:24:16-0800), I wrote:


This was a dig at the list.
When questions are asked to get help they are told to stop wasting list attention and to be relevant or go elsewhere, but look at the energy on the list today.

Jacob has contributed to Tor and that is where my interest stops. The rest is for the people involved to deal with elsewhere.
[Sorry to hear what Nick Farr has said.}

However...not wanting to miss an chance to learn

I tried unattended-upgrades but apt-get update and upgrade still had to be used. What is the trick to getting it to automate upgrades?

I've read a bit but still don't know how to set-up iptables.
Is there a tutorial for setting it up on a system just running Tor?

Everywhere I looked presumes knowledge I don't yet have.
I imagine I am not the only one.


Not to derail from debian, but you might want to look at tor-ramdisk[0]
thought this might require building it yourself[1], last time I tried there were problems with the pre-built images blueness put on the download location.

I tried to address this to blueness in irc, but they seem to be busy with
other things at the moment.

[0]: http://opensource.dyc.edu/tor-ramdisk
[1]: https://gitweb.torproject.org/tor-ramdisk.git
♥Ⓐ ng0

I am not sure what his intent for his VPS but the tor-ramdisk may or may not be out of scope.
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