Chris Dagdigian wrote:
It's sorta disgusting to see the creep defenders come out in force on
this list - especially the ones who talk big about anti-establishment
stuff and post anonymously from privacy friendly ISPs who suddenly and
magically have decided to start proclaiming their love for the rule of
law and the need to stay silent until "real proof and evidence is
provided". How convenient.

It *is* a bit strange, though not unexpected at this point. People are going to believe what they want to believe, and will lean on the lack of police involvement despite the fact that the number of rape victims who file a police report is vanishingly small. Of the couple dozen friends and family who've spoken to me about their experiences with sexual assault, only one succeeded in prosecution. Her rapist was convicted of "simple assault" (not rape) and got community service with no sex offender registration. For raping a thirteen-year-old girl and offering to plead guilty. Much ink has been spilled on this topic, so I won't belabor the point, except to say that this is the trend rather than an exceptional case.

Interestingly, this logic seems only to apply to rape survivors. I would guess that these same people defend Edward Snowden's decision to not go to the police about illegal surveillance practices and instead to talk about his experiences.

Also, the notion that Tor would be hoodwinked by some cointelpro/psyop/conspiracy bollocks is quite insulting.

Got my fingers crossed that the more sensible and rational members of
this list are staying silent as they often do when the oddballs come
to play.

My $.02 of course since everyone else has been so free with theirs

Yeah. These are quite serious allegations and I'm happy that Tor's got a legal firm to investigate. If people take issue with investigating claims like these, well, that's unfortunate.


{{disclaimer: this is just my opinion and I don't work for Tor or represent them in any way}}
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