On Jun 6, 2016 1:47 AM, "Sarah Alawami" <marri...@gmail.com> wrote:

>> I was just on the tor network and launched google to do a google search.
I got a 403 forbidden when trying to search for something.  (...)  I didn't
know tor blocked google searches.

Hi, Sarah.

Until I know  - and I know almost nothing, sorry! -  Tor doesn't block
Google resources and Google's official position about Tor Project is:

"Google is not doing anything intentionally specifically to deter or block
Tor use."

Just for curiosity, try to use Duck Duck Go instead Google for making your
searches when using Tor, please.

It is pretty cute and some of their collaborators are amazing people.
Happy "quack quack" experience for you!  :-)

Have a lovely day!

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