On Jun 6, 2016 7:06 PM, <ma...@wk3.org> wrote:

>> As far as I understand them, they are not interested in taking this to
court. Read the FAQ that was published today on http://jacobappelbaum.net

Wow, beautiful FAQ!  Pretty convenient!  :D

I studied Law, but someone there really know how to tell lies much better
than me.  Lovely work, pretty impressive.  I can take some lessons and
learn a lot after this terrible mess finishes.

It probably will help me with my work in the future, but now I just want to
discover who is behind that public lynching site and why.  As said before,
something is not correct at all.

I am making some interesting searches in last days and the world is really,
really small...  Links, connections...  Anonimity is pretty relative in
Bacon Era!  :)

Wish you all a lovely night!  <3


PS:  -  I never was a good lawyer.  I always tell lots of bad lawyer
jokes.  Terrible lack of ethics, but my engineers jokes are even worse!  :(

Ah, Kevin Bacon, not the smoked pork meat, please!  Poor pigs!  :(
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