On Tue, 07 Jun 2016 02:15:45 +0300
ja.talk <ja.t...@yandex.com> wrote:

> His statement is carefully worded, and so I did my best to decipher
> it here.
>     "In the past few days, a calculated and targeted attack has been
> launched to spread vicious and spurious allegations against me."
> I can’t directly say the allegations are false.

        "spurious allegations" 

        spurious : not genuine, sincere, or authentic


`       ja.talk, you sound like an illiterate person. 

        spurious allegations == not authentic allegations == false

        You are welcome.

>     "Given the way these accusations have been handled, I had little
> choice but to resign from my position as an advocate at the Tor
> Project and devote my full attention to completing my doctoral work
> on cryptography at the Technical University of Eindhoven."
> They were going to fire me if I didn’t quit.
>     "Vague rumors and smear campaigns against me are nothing new. As
> a longtime public advocate for free speech and a secure internet,
> there have been plenty of attempts to undermine my work over the
> years."
> I need you to believe the government is behind this.
>     "Now, however, these unsubstantiated and unfounded attacks have
> become so aggressive that I feel it’s necessary to set the record
> straight. Not only have I been the target of a fake website in my
> name that has falsely accused me of serious crimes, but I have also
> received death threats (including a Twitter handle entitled
> ‘TimeToDieJake’)."
> This one troll account mentioned my death in its handle, so now I am
> the victim. If that account didn’t exist, I would have had to invent
> it.
>     "I think it’s extremely damaging to the community that these
> character-assassination tactics are being deployed, especially given
> their ugly history of being used against fellow members of the LGBT
> community. It pains me to watch the community to which I’ve dedicated
> so much of my life engage in such self-destructive behavior.
> Nonetheless, I am prepared to use legal channels, if necessary, to
> defend my reputation from these libelous accusations."
> I can’t sue.
>     "I want to be clear: the accusations of criminal sexual
> misconduct against me are entirely false."
> I’ll never be convicted of a crime.
>     "Inevitably, there may have been moments in my professional or
> private life when I may have inadvertently hurt or offended others’
> feelings. Whenever I was aware of these instances, I have, and will
> continue to, apologize to the friends and colleagues in question and
> to continually learn how to be a better person. Though the damage to
> my reputation caused by these allegations alone is impossible to
> undo, I nonetheless take the concerns of the Tor community seriously."
> I’m not sorry.
>     "To dispel any further rumors, to the best of my knowledge, the
> Tor network is not ‘compromised.’"
> The Tor network is fine, I guess. I haven’t had a patch accepted in
> several years.
>     "I’ve dedicated my life as a journalist, activist, and longtime
> member of the Tor Project to advocating for the transparency of
> public processes and to speaking out about the necessity of privacy,
> security, and anonymity. These are ideals that I will continue to
> uphold, despite the vicious campaign that is currently being waged
> against me."
> Read this whole thing again; I never directly said that any of the
> allegations are not true.

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