On 2016-06-07 13:48, Anthony Papillion wrote:
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On 6/7/2016 12:13 PM, Not Friendly wrote:
On 2016-06-07 02:35, a...@cock.lu wrote:
First they fall for the social justice meme thinking it's a force
for good. Then they allow the project to be infiltrated by the
blue haired problem glasses brigade. Then they start modifying
their community guidelines to appease their new members, probably
under the guise that it's to prevent evil sexist MRAs from
"harassing" (read: disagreeing with) their new SJW friends. Then
the SJWs decide prominent members of the project need to be
cyber lynched so they can take over. "Jacob once farted in the
same elevator as me, it was literally rape!
#FireHimOrTorIsRapists" "Jacob once disagreed with me, it was a
legitimate death threat that made me fear for my life!
#FireHimOrTorWantsToKillAllWomen" "He once mentioned playing a
video game, I knew he was a gamergater! Damn misogynist hates
women! #KillAllWhiteMen" Then Tor loses their best spokesman. The
SJWs and their friends fill the now empty jobs and repeat the
process until they're the only ones with power over the project.
Then Tor dies, since the only "work" that gets done is virtue
signalling on Twitter.

It's only a matter of time before they eat Nick or Roger.

RIP Jacob. RIP Tor.

Usually I get a lot of schadenfreude from watching idiots
destroy themselves like this, but Tor is close to my heart so I'm
quite sad. The NSA has won.
I'm unsure how "Tor" has in anyway died. The network is still
secure. They only thing that happened is that a former member of
the Tor Project has bad publicity. I'm unsure how that makes Tor

It doesn't. The Tor haters never miss an opportunity to declare Tor
"dead". "Oh! It's Tuesday! RIP Tor!". It's often the same crowd (or
associates of them) that love to declare Tor a honeypot for the
federal government.

Anyway, I'm just wondering when this list move beyond the recent
sensationalism and back to actually discussing Tor.



I do not understand why those people think that Tor is a honeypot by the federal government. It is OPEN SOURCE. If you are by any means worried look at the source code and compile it manually. There is no hiding a backdoor. Unless every relay operator is helping the federal government (which at that point the information would leak) then there isn't a way to backdoor Tor. I don't understand why people do not take the time to research things.

Not Friendly
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