On Tue, Jun 07, 2016 at 02:12:43PM -0400, Not Friendly wrote:
> I do not understand why those people think that Tor is a honeypot by
> the federal government. It is OPEN SOURCE. If you are by any means
> worried look at the source code and compile it manually. There is no
> hiding a backdoor. Unless every relay operator is helping the
> federal government (which at that point the information would leak)
> then there isn't a way to backdoor Tor. I don't understand why
> people do not take the time to research things.

1. People are lazy. It is more fun to have an opinion than to research.
2. People who doubt Tor typically do not have the competence to read the code.
3. Such people would have to trust experts (or even "friends") to
   understand the code and be scientific about their judgement.
   But frequently such people also do not believe in trusting other people
   so they probably also do not believe in science (chemtrails! vaccines!)
   nor in the importance of the separation of powers in democracy, just
   because breaches cannot be eliminated entirely. These are all concepts
   that depend on you not expecting the world to be conspired against you.

Apparently the number of people living without anything they trust is 
increasing. It is said to be correlated with the quality of education.
They typically resort to trusting their gut feelings, which is ironically 
just what potential mind controllers would want. After all gut feelings 
are nothing but the expression of thoughts and fears that have been 
instilled into you in your infancy. So if your programming is good and 
you refuse to live your life on a fact-oriented basis, you will not even 
have the tools to debug the programming you received. You'll think you're
a rebel for distrusting everyone, but you'll be the most sheeple of all.
Wagenhofer's "Alphabet" documentary is said to go in a similar direction
of analysis. Haven't seen it yet.

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