The IP address of the Azure server you're connecting to.
> How does the selection of the Azure server works ? Randomly ? If i understood 
> well, domain-fronting servers are supposedly located geographically close to 
> the origin of the browser request. Could it be that TBB selects an Azure 
> server that could be hosted in a country considered hostile to the regime of 
> the Internet user ? If so, couldn't that be compromising ?

In the case of meek-azure the firewall would also see that you supposedly want 
to connect to
"", which is a common domain used by websites that are hosted 
on Azure.
> What firewall are we talking about ? The one that sits on the Azure server or 
> the one of the gvt with the DPI ?

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‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ Original Message ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐
On Wednesday, October 3, 2018 1:36 PM, Jonathan Marquardt <> 

> On Wed, Oct 03, 2018 at 12:25:52PM +0000, ithor wrote:
> > So a meek request is sent in clear-text. What exact information is given ?
> > The exact ip address of the Azure server, its geolocation ?
> The IP address of the Azure server you're connecting to. In the case of
> meek-azure the firewall would also see that you supposedly want to connect to
> "", which is a common domain used by websites that are
> hosted on Azure. The domain delivers some JavaScript code and whatnot. So you
> should just look like a harmless web browser surfing the web on first sight.
> > Could the DPI find out that this is being used for bootstrapping Tor ?
> Perhaps with some clever traffic correlation or timing attacks, but not so
> easily.
> To also answer your question from the other mail in the thread: With encrypted
> SNI, the firewall couldn't even see the fake destination (
> your meek client sends.
> This might be interesting in the future, but isn't in use with meek yet. For
> more info on that topic, have a look at this thread:
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> OpenPGP Key: 47BC7DE83D462E8BED18AA861224DBD299A4F5F3

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