> On 29 Apr 2019, at 19:50, Conrad Rockenhaus <con...@rockenhaus.com> wrote:
> On Mon, Apr 29, 2019 at 11:01 AM silvia [hiro] <h...@torproject.org> wrote:
>> Conrad,
>> You have been kindly asked to stop advertising or repeat commercial offers 
>> about
>> your services.
>> Avoid cross posting and stick to the general list guidelines.
>> We maintain these list for technical support and general discussion among
>> Tor users and relay operators.
>> Thanks,
>> hiro
> How was my response advertising or a repeat commercial offer? How is
> my service even a commercial offer when it's a 501(c)(3) non-profit
> and I'm not making a profit? How come you don't seem to get so
> offended when Emerald Onions (for example, I have absolutely nothing
> against them at all) supports an update about their services?
> Why am I questioned for responding to an email bashing me for
> attempting to contribute to the Tor project in a large way by helping
> others run their own relays by asking that person how they're
> contributing to Tor project themself? I would think that would fall
> under the lines of "general discussion." I don't see where I'm
> advertising for Greypony when all I'm doing is refuting this person's
> demonstrably false statements such as "the project only runs middle
> relays on small virtual machines" or "500 KB/s" bridges" which does
> fall under the guidelines of general discussion and free speech. After
> all, the only counteract to false speech is free speech.
> I do wonder why the Tor Community Council wants to have such a
> Chilling Effect on any speech related to GreyPony while allowing all
> others to speak freely. It's kind of odd especially since it was
> previously posted on this list that people could post even about
> COMMERCIAL providers that are Tor friendly once and awhile but we're
> OK a little hypocritical behavior if we don't like someone, amirite?
> -- 
> Conrad Rockenhaus
> https://www.rockenhaus.com
> Cell: (254) 292-3350
> Fax: (254) 875-0459


I don’t believe hiro was speaking as a community council member but as a tor 
project person.

We want to nurture an open and welcoming environment were people can come to 
read and learn about Tor. However, more and more tor-talk feels like somewhere 
core tor people don’t particularly want to be and so we are trying to change 
that. I’m sorry that in this case you feel you have been singled out. 

We want people to feel welcome when contributing to these lists and we would 
ask everyone to be mindful of the effect their posts have on the list as a 
whole to avoid creating a hostile environment. 

Thanks for understanding!


Project Manager: Tor Browser, UX and Community teams
pili at torproject dot org 
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