Hello Ian,

Ian Ragsdale wrote:

We recently had a similar problem. Here's what we did, which appeared to alleviate the problem without addressing the underlying connection leak:

# don't wait indefinitely for a connection
torque.dsfactory.scimitar.pool.maxWait = 5000

# allow up to 25 connections in the pool (up from 8)
torque.dsfactory.scimitar.pool.maxActive = 25

# remove connections that have been abandoned
torque.dsfactory.scimitar.pool.removeAbandoned = true

When I set any of these properties (maxWait, maxActive, removeAbandoned, logAbandoned), I get an error:

Message:Property: maxActive value: 10 is not supported by DataSource: org.apache.commons.dbcp.datasources.PerUserPoolDataSource

and so forth.

I had the same problems with SharedPoolDataSourceFactory

Hence I have not played around with these settings any further.
Does anybody understand which properties are available when?



Tarlika Elisabeth Schmitz

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