
Thanks for the response.  While I realize I can (and should) do that I was
hoping there was support in the Torque/Connection pooling infrastructure to
catch mistakes (e.g. buggy code).  I believe being able to harvest abandoned
connections is a common feature in connection pools.  I just don't seem to
be able to configure it under torque.


-----Original Message-----
From: Guy Galil [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, December 23, 2004 2:32 PM
To: Apache Torque Users List
Subject: Re: connection leak

When you take a Torque connection explicitly you must close it.
If you put the call to Torque.closeConnection(con) in a finally{...}
clause then it will be called even when an error occurs

On Thu, 2004-12-23 at 12:01, Husek, Paul wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm using torque 3.1 and am experiencing what I believe to be a connection
> leak.  The symptoms are that eventually the application just stops
> responding and seems to be stuck where it would normally be fetching a db
> connection.    This is probably due to the fact that I occasionally need
> construct my own queries and do a Torque.getConnection, and due to errors
> may not be able to release the connection.
> I've seen mention of abandoned connection management via DBCP, but I could
> never get it working.  I just upgraded to dbcp 1.2, and I still can't get
> working.  Does anyone have a that properly handles
> abandoned connections (and has been verified)?

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