Ok thanks,

so toruqe isn't really the right solution for a pre existing app.

I basically was trying to build some tools for a web app that used our own set of persistence objects etc.

We made it well before there was anything decent out there.

Figured if torque can do it for me for this tools based app, why go through the trouble of separating the cod eI have from the project to make some tools.

Oh well



Thomas Fischer wrote:

IdBroker is no good for that. It uses an extra table and no sequences. In
native, Torque uses fixed names for the sequences it uses. See the
create-db sql for the names. Maybe you can rename your existing sequence to
fit that name ?
In the postgesql howto, there is also a paragraph about non-fittibg
seqjence names. However, I do not know whether the solution outlined there
is good for db2 and whether it still works.


Steve Vanspall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> schrieb am 15.07.2006 08:53:38:

Hi there,

I am going mad here.

I have tried a few options for geting torque to use an already existing
sequence , in db2, to generate the id's for certain tables.

One article suggested setting the defaultIdMethod to native and having a
parameter "id-method-parameter" whose vlaue is the name of the sequence
to be used.

This doesnt work, all I get is.

this warning

IDBroker - IDBroker is being used with db '@DB_NAME@', which does not
support transactions. IDBroker attempts to use transactions to limit the
possibility of duplicate key generation.  Without transactions,
duplicate key generation is possible if multiple JVMs are used or other
means are used to write to the database.

follow by the following exception

There was no DataSourceFactory configured for the connection @DB_NAME@

So I tried setting the dafultIdMEthod to idbroker.

the same thing happened.

Do I have to define a class that get the sequence data for me. This is
no problem, but I cannot find any decent documentation stating how to do

What do I implement and how do I tell torque what class isthe id broker??

Any help would be appreciated


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