

I worked with Torque only for past 2 weeks, and I found it very useful. 


I use Torque 3.0 with Postgres and have following problem:

After deleting some concrete object with usual
ClassNamePeer.doDelete(objectToDelete), I can still see it in database when
querying for that objects information with plain JDBC. 


When I use any of Torque query methods, via Criteria or retrieveByPK(key),
object seems to be erased, but some parts of application I am working on use
JDBC so I can't rewrite all code to use Torque
BasePeer.executeQuery(queryString). Database data for this object can also
be seen from Squirrel JDBC browser which of course uses plain JDBC. 


I suppose that Torque has some delayed deletion mechanism and I need some
way to make him do the actual deletion completely from database. Is there
some kind of "flush" to achieve this? 




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