What Torque does is it opens a connection to the db, goes for the metadata
of the connection and makes the call

 tableNames = dbMeta.getTables(null, dbSchema, "%", types);

Maybe you can try to do this manually and play around to see what goes
wrong ?

It may also be that you have a permission problem and the orgasales user is
not allowed to list all tables...


Thoralf Rickert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> schrieb am 10.04.2008 17:09:04:

> Hi all,
> I try to extract a database schema from a SQL Server 2005. I tried both
> drivers jTDS and the Microsoft JDBC Driver 1.2. In both versions I can
> the database, but the resulting XML schema for Torque is empty.
> When I run the JDBC task in build-torque.xml (fresh 3.3) I got this
console response:
> jdbc:
>      [echo] +-----------------------------------------------+
>      [echo] |                                               |
>      [echo] | Generating XML from JDBC connection !         |
>      [echo] |                                               |
>      [echo] +-----------------------------------------------+
> [torque-jdbc-transform] Torque - JDBCToXMLSchema starting
> [torque-jdbc-transform] Your DB settings are:
> [torque-jdbc-transform] driver :
> [torque-jdbc-transform] URL : jdbc:sqlserver://srv-poseidon;
> instanceName=orgasales;databaseName=OrgaSales;SelectMethod=cursor;
> integratedSecurity=true
> [torque-jdbc-transform] user : orgasales
> [torque-jdbc-transform] schema : orgasales
> [torque-jdbc-transform] DB driver sucessfuly instantiated
> [torque-jdbc-transform] DB connection established
> [torque-jdbc-transform] Getting table list...
> [torque-jdbc-transform] Building column/table map...
> [torque-jdbc-transform] ./resources/schema/schema.xml
> [torque-jdbc-transform] Torque - JDBCToXMLSchema finished
>      [echo] ...done.
> Total time: 922 milliseconds
> That looks good for me. When I use the jTDS driver only the URL is
> But the resulting XML file looks like this:
> <?xml version="1.0"?>
> <!DOCTYPE database SYSTEM
> <!-- Autogenerated by JDBCToXMLSchema! -->
> <database name="orgasales"/>
> Hmmm, that's not good. Actually the database has more then 100 tables,
> user 'orgasales' has admin rights and I can connect to the database via
> MSSQL console from my developer pc. The only thing that I didn't try is
> call the program directly on the machine. But this shouldn't be a
> because I can connect remotely.
> The config file looks like this:
> torque.database.host = srv-poseidon.cadooz-ag.intern
> torque.database.type = mssql
> torque.database.adaptor = mssql
> torque.database.user = orgasales
> torque.database.password = ...
> torque.database.schema = orgasales
> torque.database.driver = com.microsoft.sqlserver.jdbc.SQLServerDriver
> torque.database.url =
> databaseName=OrgaSales;SelectMethod=cursor;integratedSecurity=true
> torque.database.buildUrl = ${torque.database.url}
> torque.database.validationQuery = SELECT 1
> torque.database.default = orgasales
> torque.database.cadooz.adapter = ${torque.database.type}
> torque.dsfactory.cadooz.factory = org.apache.torque.dsfactory.
> SharedPoolDataSourceFactory
> torque.dsfactory.cadooz.pool.maxIdle = 8
> torque.dsfactory.cadooz.pool.maxActive = 10
> torque.dsfactory.cadooz.pool.maxWait = 10000
> torque.dsfactory.cadooz.pool.timeBetweenEvictionRunsMillis = 300000
> torque.dsfactory.cadooz.pool.minEvictableIdleTimeMillis = 3600000
> torque.dsfactory.cadooz.pool.testOnBorrow = true
> torque.dsfactory.cadooz.pool.validationQuery =
> torque.dsfactory.cadooz.connection.driver = ${torque.database.driver}
> torque.dsfactory.cadooz.connection.url = ${torque.database.url}
> torque.dsfactory.cadooz.connection.user = ${torque.database.user}
> torque.dsfactory.cadooz.connection.password = ${torque.database.password}
> torque.manager.useCache = true
> torque.home = .
> torque.project = cadooz
> torque.database = mssql
> torque.targetPackage = com.cadooz.framework.orgasales
> torque.subpackage.map = map
> torque.subpackage.manager = manager
> torque.runOnlyOnSchemaChange = false
> torque.output.dir = .
> torque.schema.dir = ${torque.home}/resources/schema
> torque.java.dir = ${torque.home}/src
> torque.sql.dir = ${torque.home}/resources/schema
> torque.useManagers = false
> In case of the jTDS driver the connection string looks like this:
> torque.database.driver = net.sourceforge.jtds.jdbc.Driver
> torque.database.url =
> 1433/OrgaSales;instance=OrgaSales
> Has someone an idea what I can do to get a XML schema from this database?
> really don't like to edit the scheme file by hand this time ;-)
> Thanks,
> Thoralf

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