> > IMHO torque:jdbc is no good as  a totally automatic way to create a 
> > schema.xml. It is good as a first guess, but nothing more, because the 

> > informations from the jdbc driver are not complete enough to extract a 

> > good schema.
> > If it worked for you so far, you were lucky.
> > 
> Or maybe Torque have lots of features I don't know about.
> But what kind of features in my database could be a problem for 
> I love torque, because I can just define my database in sql and then run 

> maven torque:jdbc to get a schema.xml file, that maps
> all the tables to classes, with primary and foreign keys, and allow me 
> to retrieve data from the database.

The problem might be that the mapping is different from what you expect. I 
do not have an example ready because I do not use torque:jdbc myself, but 
searching the mailing list should find some complaints.


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