In my schema.xml file I have

<table name="templatevalue" idMethod="native">
<column name="name" primaryKey="true" required="true" size="255" type="VARCHAR"/> <column default="true" name="preview" primaryKey="true" required="true" type="BIT"/>
<!-- Other fields removed -->

But it seems like torque is unable to handle a primary key with a bit field, because it generate the file

with the function public ObjectKey getPrimaryKey()
which contain the line

pks[1] = SimpleKey.keyFor(getPreview());

But eclipse complains that there is no SimpleKey.keyFor which take a boolean argument. So am I doing something wrong, or is this just not supported.

This is using torque 3.3 with postgresql 8.4.

It's easy to work-around using an int, but I would like to keep it boolean, because it is a boolean :}


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