On 2010-03-18 15:25, Adrian Buehlmann wrote:
> Apparently, if
> HKCU/Software/TortoiseOverlays, ShowUnversionedOverlay
> HKCU/Software/TortoiseOverlays, ShowIgnoredOverlay
> are not set (in the registry of the user!), then these icons are now
> dropped, starting with version 1.1.0 of TortoiseOverlays.
> ...
> I first considered trying to go back and try using it again with
> TortoiseOverlays 1.1.0, thanks to the new dropping prio order. But if we
> have to enable it in the registry for *every user*, then the Unversioned
> overlay is now definitely useless for us.

Wouldn't be ok to provide a .reg file (or something similar) that will
set the required keys in the registry?

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