
>From a cursory glance, based on the error message, this originate deep down 
in the APR library in code which has not been changed between 1.7 and 1.14.

Just to rule out anything in TortoiseSVN, you could install the SVN command 
line tools (available in the TortoiseSVN installer) and try checking out 
from the command line: svn co [url]

To be able to help further it would be helpful to know
* The url you try checkout (if you can share it)
* If not, at least the access method (svn://, http://, https:// etc.)
* If you are able to checkout other repositories (especially with the same 
access method)

Without any other evidence I would look at firewalls/antivirus programs 
that might step in the way of things.

Kind regards,
torsdag 24 december 2020 kl. 17:59:06 UTC+1 skrev sergio.fe...@gmail.com:

> Hi, 
> I have a little problem doing a checkout of a repository.
> Y get this error:
>  Cannot checkout. An operation was attempted on something that is not a 
> socket.
> svn: Can't write to connection: An operation was attempted on something 
> that is not a socket.
> I have the 1.14.0 version of Tortise on Windows 10, I've tried with older 
> version (1.7) and it works properly. Do you know if it is a bug o whatever 
> whit this tortoiseSVN version and if there are any solution?
> Best Regards.

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