
osdn.net seems to have issues [1] and I'd like to bring it up to make sure 
that we don't end up in a situation where it starts affecting TortoiseSVN.

* Nobody seems to monitor the issue tracker [1] anymore - it is full of 
spam and no-one seems to respond to issues. It is mentioned in one of the 
issues [2] that "there is no more support here".
* Several different errors occur throughout the site: Accessing the source 
code through the web interface [3] only report an error message.
* The commit notify e-mail contain a link [4] to the web page, however the 
link give the same error message as elsewhere in the web interface.

As far as I know we use osdn.net for the source code repository and for 
hosting release artifacts (installers and documentation).

So far I've seen no negative effects on development and/or distribution 
workflows but as the support is not there anymore I think we need to think 
about a backup plan.

I've personally configured an svnsync mirroring of the repository to have a 
backup in place - I know there is also a mirror in Github so we should not 
risk loosing source or history. The release artifacts also seem easy enough 
to mirror, but I havn't done that yet.

- Does anyone know more about what is going on with osdn.net?
- Did I miss any useage of osdn.net above?
- Does it make sense to make a contingency plan or even migrate away from 
osdn.net? The list of free hosting is rather thin (except Github, but 
migrating the repository to git would be.. should I say against the spirit 
of the project).

Kind regards,
Daniel Sahlberg

[1] https://osdn.net/projects/support/ticket/
[2] https://osdn.net/projects/support/ticket/47324
[3] https://osdn.net/projects/tortoisesvn/scm/svn/tree/head/
[4] https://osdn.net/projects/tortoisesvn/scm/svn/commits/29571

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