Happy New Year!
While you hopefully saw the advert on the SIGCSE email distribution list, I 
wanted to extend a semi-personal invitation to attend, or better yet, submit 
something for the upcoming SIGCAS mini-symposium on Computer Science for the 
Social Good in Education.

This is a pre-SIGCSE Symposium event on the Wednesday prior to the Symposium: 
Wednesday February 27 in Minneapolis, MN. at 8:30 a.m.
(Yes, it most likely means flying in to Minneapolis on Tuesday...)

See: http://www.sigcas.org/call-for-participation/
 for all the details, especially for submitting a short 2-pager.
All accepted submissions will be published in the SIGCAS Newsletter and the ACM 
Digital Library.

Even if you don't submit a writeup of your latest efforts in infusing your CS 
courses with social good content, I hope you'll attend and help build this 
growing community of like minded educators.

Drop me a line if you have any questions regarding this latest CSG-Ed event!

Hope to see you in MN in February,
Mikey Goldweber

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TOS website: http://teachingopensource.org/

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