I said I do hear a difference between networked SBS or TinySC, at this
point I don't know for sure why. It MAY be different data, but I don't
think so. Phil's test will prove that one way or the other. 

If the bits are identical then "proving" it gets hard. At this level of
quality (I DID say the touch's outputs are very good didn't I?) finding
iron clad causal relationships between measured signal parameters and
perceived sound gets difficult, the differences in the signals are very
small. By the time you get sensitive enough instruments to measure the
small differences you have a lot of noise sources riding on top of
things. It seems the human perception system can be affected by very
small amounts of certain types of distortions even when they seem to be
swamped by other distortions and noise. Unfortunately we don't know what
these are so its hard to come up with filters in the measuring systems
to match. 

The point of all that was that if you want hard measurement data that
proves it, you are probably not going to get it. That leaves what people
hear. Thats much more difficult to "prove". 

What brought all this up was a change in the firmware several weeks ago
that at least for me brought an improvement in sound quality. This had
nothing to do with the USB interface, I was listening on headphones
plugged in directly to the Touch. The developers said they had done
nothing to change the audio processing. But they did say they had done
some major re-writes improving the overall efficiency and "speed" of the

Since TinySC adds a lot of extra processing I decided to try it and see
if I could hear a difference, and yes I could, some of the extra WOW
that happened with the firmware change was gone. I then tried it with
the USB DAC connection and I heard the same thing. The network server
did sound better. 

The primary areas of difference are in soundstaging and ambiance,
reverberation. So this is somewhat recording dependent. The biggest
differences are in recordings recorded live in reverberant spaces. The
sense of space of the performance, the "you are thereness" is decreased
somewhat with the local server. 

I have heard this before in other low power linux systems. Two audio
players, both outputting the same bits, can sound significantly
different. In most cases the simpler one with smaller, tighter loops
winds up sounding better. Before someone asks me to come up with
measurements to prove it, I'll reiterate, I can't. And this is not just
me, there are many other people hearing these same sorts of things with
different software and identical bits. I can't give you a proven
mechanism for this. Does this mean everybody who hears these things is
deluding themselves? Maybe, maybe not. We don't know yet. 

Remember that either way the sound form the Touch is still way better
than from an SB3 or SBR, so even if you do go with a local server its
still a good thing. If what I'm hearing holds true its a choice you have
to make if getting the best sound possible out of the Touch is important
for you. Its just another trade off people obsessed with getting the
best sound have to go through.  

Also remember that the firmware is still changing significantly and
since all this started with what I heard at a firmware change, things
may be different at ship date. I hope they manage to preserve the
improvements I heard, but who knows what will happen. 

John S.

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