So from my calculations the touch WILL act as a general purpose NAS at
2.65MB/s  (from what I have read elsewhere)in all honesty this is
quicker than my current NAS which is a WB MBWE (Mk1) so yes things have
come on but as long as you dont need the speed then it could be used.

If I buy a new NAS (as I also have run out of space so need to invest
somewhere)then will the touch built in server be able to access network
shares which holds music?

although i use the web interface right now its only because its quicker
than using ipeng when im at my desk and I have no remote for my receiver
but will the touch I will have the IR remote so that's that issue

only plugins i use really are iplayer but rarely so not going to be an
issue and svr power control which i wont need with the touch


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