What exactly do you want? Here's a Logitech employee, one of the main
SBT developers, saying February. Would you feel better if it were
someone from marketing saying it? And andyg was careful to qualify his
statement with "-_as_of_now_ Touch will not ship until sometime in
February- [emphasis added]. They might not get the software finished by
February, just like they didn't meet the earlier the targets. I'm sure
Logitech doesn't want to get beaten up for being late _and_ having major
bugs. It's too late to do anything about the former, but they are doing
something about the latter. It takes time and they will release it when
the software is ready. If you can't accept that level of uncertainty --
and I can see why some people can't -- then maybe you should look

Btw, you may have read that a couple months ago Logitech completely
reorganized the unit working on SBs. So something is being done about
the situation, though we'll have to wait for the B-school case studies
to see if it was the right things.

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