GlenL;502419 Wrote: 
> I have a Touch on preorder and was wondering if somebody knew the
> answers to the following ...
> 1. How does it operate when it is connected to a Squeezeserver powered
> music library and there is a USB stick/drive connected at the same time
> ?
> I currently run Squeezeserver (and plan to stick with that) but may
> want to occasionally connect a USB stick as well.
> Will I be able to distinguish between the two libraries (e.g via a menu
> otion) or will the 2 libraries be automagically merged into one 'My
> Music' option ?
It will switch library so you will only see either the USB stick music
or the SBS(Squeezebox Server) music. I'm not sure if it will
automatically switch when you insert a USB stick or if it's a manual
operation. I'm pretty sure it will be possible to use SBS even if there
is a USB stick inserted in the Touch.


Erland Isaksson
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