it's pure FUD wifi is not "dangerous" people have no sense of
proportions at all .

Do you perhaps venture outside your home ? what do we eat smoke and
drink ?
Being to the gym lately ?

There is formalin in hair shampoo, what about synthetic sweeteners in
light products  ?

Statistically there are as much drunk drivers as there are Taxi drivers
on a busy street, you could be runned over anytime ?

That candy bar you are munching on is probably million times more
dangerous to your health than wifi ? hardened fats urgh ?

If you give the children candy you can give them wifi too, which is the
largest health hazard ?


Main hifi: SB3 (soon to replaced by a Touch :) It is on preorder)
Bedroom/Office: Boom
Kitchen: Receiver (soon to be replaced by my SB3 and the SBR to be
stuffed in a box in the attic )
Miscellaneous use: Radio (battery pack to be ordered)
I use a Controller various ir-remotes and a Eee-PC with squeezeplay to
control this
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