JohnSwenson;526546 Wrote: 
> The Touch DOES do a form of shutting down the wifi radio if that
> connection is not being used, but that does not necessarily completely
> disable the radio. If you have a USB or SD card plugged in they are
> being shared via samba and that might still be accessed via wifi from
> another device even if the touch's player is currently being fed from a
> wire. So the wifi is still there but not doing much. Every so often it
> keeps track of whats out there and if any body wants to connect.

I'm pretty sure this is incorrect.  The radio may still be on (I have
no way to tell), but it's certainly not connected to the network.  If
you were to set up a Touch from scratch with a wired connection then it
wouldn't even have credentials to connect wirelessly.  Plus, the
wireless and wired interfacs use the same MAC address, so I don't know
how it would work in any case.

I just ran a little test, changing from a wireless to a wired
connection (so the wireless credentials may still be stored somewhere). 
As soon as the Touch connected to the wired network it was immediately
dropped from the list of connected clients shown on my wireless access


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