Called Logitech Sales (1-800-231-7717) to inquire about the status of my

The status indicator on the website shows my order is "in-process" -
this is what it has shown for quite some time.

When I reached "Ben" on the phone, he said the Touch has not been
released and his sales manager says it won't be released until July. 

When I checked the Logitech web sales site earlier today, it showed the
Touch was in-stock. When I looked at it while talking to "Ben", it
showed out-of-stock. 

I explained that MickyG, the program manager, just posted a release
announcement for the Touch on the Slimdevices forum. "Ben" didn't
believe me and he didn't particularly care what others at Logitech were

I can see the left hand still doesn't know what the right hand is up

Why do I have this bad feeling that having pre-ordered a Touch may turn
out to have only been a sure way to place one's self at the bottom of
the list? 

Radio battery anyone?

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