I bought the Touch to give to my girlfriend with a 1.5T USB drive, which
will be my off-site backup.

I'm currently playing with it and have a few queries:-

A) Scan speed/progress
1) I foolishly downloaded an applet whilst it was scanning the USB
drive and had found around 11000 tracks (about half). I hadn't thought
through that the applet would then reboot the Touch and now the 'scan
results' through Settings/Advanced/Squeezebox Server only shows
"scanning media for music files please wait..." 
2) I used the Touch as player via my normal server, does switching to
an 'external' library affect scanning?
3) I played some music on Touch via its TinySC, through Browse Music
Folder, woudl this affect scanig speeed?
4) I'm now using the BBC iplayer applet, and still get "scanning media
for music files please wait..." but my USB drive is showing no sign of

B) USB folders.
I'm using my USB drive for family backups so it has all my FLAC files,
my MP3 files (for my ipod) plus my sisters and girlfriends. This will
lead to multiple duplications! Is there any way to 'constrain' TinySC
to a subset of the USB drive?

C) Justification
I was sceptical on size and clarity of the Touch to repace the VFD on
the Classics (don't know why, all other Squeeze products have been
great) but now its sat in front of me, I love it. How do I justify
buying another one?


2 * SB3, 1 * Boom, 2 * SBR, 1 * Radio (Touch ordered)
controlled by IR, SBC [and iPeng on iPhone - wifi died!!]
7.5.0 on WHS on HP MediaSmart (EX470) upgraded to 2G RAM
DigitalMitch's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=15999
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