erland;534324 Wrote: 
> name=identity of the patch. If you make several patches they should have
> different values in the "name" attribute. Remember to also give them
> unique values in the "title" element as this is the text that is shown
> to the user.
> target=specifies which player types it works on, possible values are:
> - fab4 -> Touch
> - baby -> Radio
> - jive -> Controller
> - squeezeplay -> SqueezePlay Desktop
> You can also combined them, for example "fab4|baby" indicates that it
> works on both Touch and Radio. I think Touch is the only one that have
> visualizers, so "fab4" should be the correct value.
> version=Version of the patch, preferably you should increase it if you
> make a new version of the same patch. It isn't used at the moment but
> future versions of the "Patch Installer" applet might use the version
> attribute to indicate to the user if the patch can be upgraded to a new
> version. In the current version the user have to uninstall and reinstall
> the patch.
> minTarget=Minium version of the firmware that's required, "7.5" should
> be correct for visualizers since they weren't available in earlier
> versions
> maxTarget=Maximum version of the firmware that is allowed. Possibly you
> might want to change this in the future, but at the moment I'd recommend
> that you keep "7.5" as we don't know if Logitech will change anything in
> the file structure in the next version.
> You can have several <patch>...</patch> elements in the same repository
> file, look at my testing repository which I linked to in an earlier post
> for an example.

Ok, thanks. That all made sense.

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