Mnyb;535348 Wrote: 
> made a typo of some kind, it works perfect
> Funny thing it did not take the first time i tried today ? I did :wq in
> vi, ok. did cat to see if really had changed pulled the plug and it
> restarted with the old file !?
> did it again the i saved first with :w then i did :wq to be sure then i
> did a reboot with the reboot comand and then double checked by pulling
> the plug ? wot was that

In vi you can use :x to save and exit. Have never used :wq together,
theoretically it should work, but am used to using :x by habit to save
and exit. Always used reboot within ssh though. Haven't tried pulling
the plug to restart, this may be the difference - like hardware reboot
vs software reboot? - I don't know and haven't tested it. 
I probably never though of using the plug option to reboot because I'm
too lazy ;-) You see, my Touch is in the lounge at one end of the house
and I'm in the office at the other end of the house. Too far to walk for
a hardware reboot every time I've made a change. Typing reboot and
hitting enter is much easier :-)


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