Valconi;536010 Wrote: 
> I attached a 250GB external Harddrive to the Squeezebox Touch with
> almost 4000 tracks. The manual is mentioning the following:
> Simply plug your drive into the USBconnector on the back of your
> Squeezebox, or insert your SDcard into the slot on the right side.
> *Then, select your device name from the my musicscreen on your
> Squeezebox, navigate to the tune you want, and play.*
> Well, that doesn't work Logitech. Squeezebox Server wants to scan the
> whole database before I can do anything. I was not amused. The
> USBoption was the main reason for buying this thing. Plug it in and
> play. No more NAS and no more scanning. Just plug and play. Why can't I
> just play it without that Squeezebox Server?
> I really want to see a fix for this in a future firmware, because it
> has to work. The manual says so. It has to be something like:
> When you attach a USBdrive the SBT asks: 
> When choosing NO, the user can access his tunes in the musicmap without
> scanning. 
> Also, the SBT must recognize the USBdrive. Because when it's
> unattached, you can scan the whole thing again. That's very very
> annoying.
> And where is the option of Scanning for JUST new music?
> For know I am very disappointed. It works fine, but the USB (it was the
> main reason for skipping releasedate over and over again)is not working
> like it supposed to be.
> Please fix it soon Logitech, so I can enjoy my music and my Touch like
> you said I could.
You seriously mis-read the manual. It never says to can play your music
off an external USB drive without running SBS. All Squeezeboxes, even
the Touch, require _some_ form of SBS to stream music. It could be the
SBS built-in to the Touch, or SBS running on a computer or NAS, or the
SBS-server-in-the-cloud that is known as The magic
box you wish for is not possible, and certainly not via a firmware

You should proceed as follows:
1. Attach the USB drive and let the scan finish. The first scan may
take a long time, because it scans the entire HDD, not only a specific
music folder. You will get best results if you don't do anything else
with the Touch while it is scanning.

2. After it has scanned, there will be a SQL database on the external
HDD with all of the metadata for your tracks. That database is what SBS
uses to present lists of albums, artists, tracks, genres, etc. That is
why scanning is required.

3. If the scan is completed, you can safely remove the USB drive by
using the Eject/Disconnect (I forget which it's called) menu item.

4. When you re-attach the USB drive, it will do a quick scan to look
for new and changed music only. This will not take as long as the full
scan, and you should be able to use the Touch even while it is doing
the incremental scan.

Most pc music software does some form of scanning as well, but if you
can't tolerate using SBS or doing this basic scanning as described,
maybe Squeezeboxes aren't the product for you and you should go back to
listening on your pc.

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