Bruce B;536429 Wrote: 
> Studios have been taking the DSD data stream from SACD's for years.

The issue of what is allowable cannot be determined by reference to the
number of studios which may or may not be engaged in similar behavior. 
Just because many cars in the city are going 80 mph and not getting a
speeding ticket doesn't mean these cars are not violating the vehicle

Further, apparently Puget Sound Studios IS the ONLY studio in the
civilized world that engages in the conduct at issue here.  If anyone
knows of another studio that is engaged in the same activity, please
let us know.

"Studio" - a for profit commerical enterprise that openly acknowledges
this type of work.
"Civilized world" -  Any country with a democratic government and an
independent judiciary that is a signatory to a treaty with the World
Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) and where Sony is doing
business.  (That leaves out countries like China and Russia, who may
give lip service to intellectual property rights but don't consistently
enforce them.)

Bruce B;536429 Wrote: 
> we just capture the DSD data stream and do SRC using SARACON.

In other words the DSD data stream is passed into a computer where the
sample rate conversion (SRC) is done inside a computer program
(SARACON).  This is exactly what is not allowed by Sony's license if
the digital data stream derived from an SACD is unencrypted DSD or PCM
of better fidelity than 24 bit/44.1 kHz.

Here is the FAQ from Oppo, a leading "audiophile" component

Q: Why is there no audio output from the coaxial or optical digital
audio port when I play DVD-Audio or SACD discs? 

A: The copyright protection feature of the DVD-Audio and Super Audio CD
(SACD) disc format prohibits unprotected digital audio output. Since the
coaxial or optical digital audio output has no copy-protection ability
(i.e. pure audio stream without encryption and authentication), audio
from DVD-Audio or SACD cannot be output via these interfaces. To enjoy
high resolution digital audio from DVD-Audio or SACD discs, please use
the 5.1-channel analogue audio output. If your A/V receiver supports
HDMI 1.1 (or above) digital audio, you may also use the HDMI port,
which has the required copyright protection mechanism (HDCP).

In addition to losing money from lost sales of SACD players, Sony also
loses money if fewer SACDs are manufactured at its facilities (the only
place where SACDs can be pressed).

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