Phil Leigh;538976 Wrote: 
> I don't want to upset anybody (honestly) but:
> 1) burn-in testing as described in the links posted earlier is about
> stress testing (often to destruction) to determine mortality rates etc,
> especially in high voltage, high risk components. The sort of components
> found in audio gear are rather different - except for large caps used in
> valve HT circuits. The burn-in described here is not about "burning them
> in to make them better" it's about "burning them in to see if/when they
> fail"
> 2) The mere fact that (audio) equipment ALWAYS sounds better after
> being burned-in really should give you pause for thought. Why would
> this be? - after all, we know that actually electrolytic caps begin to
> deteriorate as soon as you start using them... What law of the universe
> determines that burn-in is always beneficial to audio quality? Have you
> EVER heard anyone say "it sounded great at first then it got worse..."
> No, thought not. The reason is simple. It is NOT happening in physical
> reality. 
> 3) Over a year ago I got my Touch. In preparation for this very
> question I made some recordings (24/192) of the analogue and digital
> outputs when it was just out of the box, after 1 week, 1 month and
> nearly 12 months. AudioDiffMaker finds nothing different in these
> recordings.
> 4) Human audio memory is rubbish. We are (mostly) great at pitch,
> rhythm/timing, harmony, melody and timbre. Very poor at everything
> else. The brain on the other hand is the most powerful and elegant
> thing in creation...
> 5) I really hope no-one believes that the digital circuits "burn-in". I
> just can't recall the last time I felt my new computer improved its
> speed and crispness of image, disk read speed etc during its first few
> days/weeks of usage... The analogue circuit of the Touch comprises the
> DAC chip, two caps and a resistor. These are not the sort of caps that
> "burn-in" (form).
> None of this matters. What matters is that you like the sound, now that
> you are used to it.


Having an electronics background from years ago, burn-in to me was
always about running electonics over a long period of time to gain
confidence that none of the components would fail due to infant
mortality.  It was about improving performance or making then work

Yes, the brain and how it affects perception is very powerful.  In a
completely different area - has you car ever run smoother, faster, etc.
because you washed and waxed it?  Because you changed the oil?  Mine has
:-).  And I'm still not immune.  I recently had my car detailed and I
swear my car runs better.  Does it really?  Of course not, but my brain
perceives it as such.


Setup: 2 SB3s, 4 Booms, 1 Duet, 1 Receiver, 1 Touch.  SuSE 11.0 Server
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